Welcome to the GD Liquidators’ blog, your ultimate resource for valuable insights, tips and practical advice on office furniture, warehouse equipment, and industry trends.

Professional Office Space With Used Furniture

How to Create a Beautiful Professional Office Space With Used Furniture

Creating a stylish and functional office space doesn’t always mean spending an exorbitant amount on new office furniture. Many individuals and businesses can achieve the same practical, professional feel with used office furniture...

Pallet Racking for Your Warehouse

How Pallet Racking Can Improve Your Warehouse

When selecting the most efficient and optimal storage solution, pallet racking is the ideal solution. Pallet racking allows you to prioritize your warehouse organization, use vertical storage space optimally and create easy processing...

Office Furniture for your office space

Easy Ways to Transform Your Home Office With Office Furniture

No matter if you’re working at home or in the office, the furniture around you has a direct impact on your productivity. It doesn’t matter if you decide to furnish your home office...


Is Working Remotely the New Normal? Office Furniture You’ll Need for Your Home Office

The pandemic has made everyone re-examine their lives in more ways than one. Simple things have been taken for granted. Many people have had to transition into a work-from-home situation. When you work...

worker in warehouse

COVID-19 Guidelines and Resources for Warehouses

Do you keep your warehouse safe enough during COVID-19? Contending with COVID-19 has been difficult for more than 100,000 businesses in Canada. When you need to keep business going in the midst of...

Benefits of Buying Used Industrial Tools Over New Ones

Benefits of Buying Used Industrial Tools Over New Ones

Shopping around for new tools can give you a headache, especially after seeing the price tag. But why buy new when you can buy used? Used tools are just as reliable, effective, and...